islamic republic of iran

  1. Grey Havoc

    Iranian President missing, feared dead, in helicopter crash
  2. M

    Alternate aircraft in Iran Iraq war

    Let’s say Iran and Iraq are BOTH heavily sanctioned and cannot operate existing types or unable to procure sophisticated aircraft and have to rely on inferior types as parts for existing modern fleet are used up. By 1983 Iran has primarily mirage V , F-5A , A-4 and F-8 operational Iraq has to...
  3. T

    Turkey Shoot - Iranian Drone and Missile attack on Israel

    The great turkey shoot over Jordan (04 2024) : On the night of Saturday to Sunday 14th 04 24, Iran launched a series of Missile and drone strikes against Israel. Launches were reported from Iran, Irak and Yemen totalling 320 drones, Cruise and ballistic missiles (respectively, 170, 30 and 120...
  4. Sineva

    Iranian Shahed-136 drones

    First images of an iranian Shahed-136 kamikaze drone/loitering munition in ukraine,tho interestingly now with the russian name Geranium-2,tho whether this is just a local in service renaming of a foreign procured weapons system,or evidence of actual licensed production in russia is unknown at...
  5. Flyaway

    Stealing secrets from the ether: missile and satellite telemetry interception during the Cold War
  6. A

    The RN buys the Kidds after the Iranian revolution

    Over on the What if Iran never had a revolution? thread Pioneer mentioned that at one point Iran was looking at buying a pair of Invincibles. If that is the case, then the 4 Kidd DDGs they cancelled would have likely been the AAW escorts for the carriers. Which got me wondering - what if, after...
  7. Grey Havoc

    Islamic Republic of Iran Navy

  8. covert_shores

    Unreported Low-Observable Warship From Iran (new catamarans) Two new catamarans, seemingly the same class (or at least very closely related), being built in parallel. Here is the second one, incomplete. We know that it has missile bins (likely...
  9. Flyaway

    Iranian space launch 22/04/2020
  10. CJGibson

    Impact on the Iran-Iraq War if Iran had bought A-10s

    If Iran had bought the A-10 in sufficient numbers, they had been delivered and entered service, what, if any, impact would they have had on the course of the Iran-Iraq war? Chris
  11. Flyaway

    Saudis says Iranian ballistic missiles launched from Yemen
  12. fightingirish

    Iranian Indigenous Trainer Aircraft Developments

    Defence Blog - Iran unveils new Kowsar advanced jet trainer Video: See also the topic "Iran unveils indigenous turbojet engine".
  13. 2IDSGT

    Iran Launches Monkey Into Space I'd make a joke, but NASA may become a joke pretty soon for all the priority it's given.
  14. Michel Van

    Iran with human Spaceflights program?

    new activity in Iran Space program this time a Monkey on suborbital fight of 120 km up and down. now there is this news From Aerospace Research Institute of Iran, they declare Iran has plans to send human to outer space ...
  15. Eagle2009

    Iranian Training Frigate

    Gents, Several months back, a rather interesting naval concept showed up on display in Iran. From the posters that are near the model, it is believed this vessel (which is currently named Khalij Fars or Persian Gulf) is a training vessel for the IRIN. The vessel class is sometimes referred to...
  16. A

    Iran manned space capsule program

    Hi, First concept image of Iran's manned space capsule project as unveiled last month by the Iranian Space Agency in Naples, Italy, during the International Astronautical Congress. They had a booth and displayed a poster wherein the capsule image was exhibited. Other 3D CGI images surfaced...
  17. JFC Fuller

    Iranian made SAMs

    Back in 2010 Iran announced that it had cloned the Hawk system and called it Shahin and incorporated it in a system called Mersad that along with some primitive looking radars also incorporated a rather cool quad twin 23mm cannon system: Then earlier this year they announced they were...
  18. D

    Iranian ASBM? I pray this turns out to be a hoax. As while China is likely to not use their ASBM, Iran surely will if they possess this type of missile.
  19. Eagle2009

    Mowj Class Light Frigate

    The Mowj class Corvettes are Iran's first successful attempt as building medium-large surface combatants. It is clearly heavily based on the British Vosper Mark V Iran imported in the 70's, but with modifications made because of Iran's inability to import technology from abroad. These...
  20. Mercurius Cantabrigiensis

    New launch facilities in Iran

    Iran has embarked on an extensive upgrading of its Semnan space centre, building a launch pad and tower similar in configuration to those used by North Korea. This is located 4-5 km northeast of the existing launch pad used by the Safir satellite launch vehicle GoogleEarth imagery of the new...
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