islamic iranian revolutionary guards

  1. T

    Turkey Shoot - Iranian Drone and Missile attack on Israel

    The great turkey shoot over Jordan (04 2024) : On the night of Saturday to Sunday 14th 04 24, Iran launched a series of Missile and drone strikes against Israel. Launches were reported from Iran, Irak and Yemen totalling 320 drones, Cruise and ballistic missiles (respectively, 170, 30 and 120...
  2. T

    Would Be Logically Feasible & Worthy for Sino-Iranian Industrial Military Espionage Of NATO-EU & Aligned countries ?

    Let's say that Iran and China want to upgrade their navy, army, air force and so on. How much would be worthy and logical to steal military secrets,projects and more from NATO or NATO-friendly countries (example : Japan, Taiwan and others) to upgrade what they already have ? @Orionblamblam in...
  3. Grey Havoc

    IRGC 'mothership' attacked in the Red Sea
  4. covert_shores

    Unreported Low-Observable Warship From Iran (new catamarans) Two new catamarans, seemingly the same class (or at least very closely related), being built in parallel. Here is the second one, incomplete. We know that it has missile bins (likely...
  5. Flyaway

    Ukraine International Airlines flight PS752 Crash

    As some have been asking for a separate thread for this topic.
  6. S

    Limpet Mines in the Gulf

    We seem to have an evolving situation around two tanker attacks in the Gulf. One tanker seems to have been holed by a limpet mine above the waterline, and on the same ship, Revolutionary Guards are apparently seen removing what is claimed to be a limpet mine from the tanker’s hull, again above...
  7. Grey Havoc

    Iranian 'Nimitz' (the 'Target Barge')
  8. Michel Van

    Iran with human Spaceflights program?

    new activity in Iran Space program this time a Monkey on suborbital fight of 120 km up and down. now there is this news From Aerospace Research Institute of Iran, they declare Iran has plans to send human to outer space ...
  9. D

    Iranian ASBM? I pray this turns out to be a hoax. As while China is likely to not use their ASBM, Iran surely will if they possess this type of missile.
  10. XP67_Moonbat

    Iranian Space Launches

    Would Iran's space program count as a secret space project? It seems they were busy this weekend: Don't believe the headline here, it's actually the booster they launched: Here's...
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