intermediate range ballistic missile

  1. Grey Havoc

    European Long-Range Strike Approach

  2. Grey Havoc

    S-4 and S-45 IRBM projects (France, Cold War)
  3. uk 75

    NATO Tactical Nuclear Forces

    In the late 1950s the US deployed a bewildering range of tactical nuclear weapons in Western Europe. The US Army had its spectacular 280mm atomic cannon mounted between two trucks. It then had smaller 8" warheads for the M115 howitzer which were made available to the UK and other NATO allies...
  4. uk 75

    British alternative to NATO INF (Cruise and Polaris)

    The more I read about the nuclear politics of the 60s defence decisions the more I am astonished at the annoying involvement of the Germans. It seems that from joining NATO onwards they either agitated to have their own fingers on the nuclear trigger, or later, as put by Helmut Schmidt, they...
  5. bobbymike

    Current Nuclear Weapons Development

    More Than 23,000 Nukes Found in 14 Nations, Report Says Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2009 There are an estimated 23,360 nuclear weapons stockpiled in 14 nations, with the great majority held by Russia and the United States, two nonproliferation experts said in a report issued this week (see GSN, Oct...
  6. Triton

    US Navy Jupiter SSBN

    During the mid-1950s, Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Admiral Arleigh Burke sponsored a high-priority program to develop a naval intermediate range ballistic missile. On November 8, 1955, the Secretary of Defense established a joint Army and Navy intermediate range ballistic missile (IRBM)...
  7. S

    Hades IRBM (France)

    Would anyone possibly possess illustrations of the TEL for this missile, which was supposed to replace Pluton? Thanks.
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