indian navy

  1. Sineva

    Brahmos missile

    Heres an interesting one,an indian Bahmos missile that seems to have got lost and crashed in pakistan. Not the sort of thing that you really want to have happen between two nuclear armed nations with a history of conflict.
  2. helmutkohl

    What if India did not acquire the Gorshkov?

    the sale of the Gorshkov was, and still is one of India's most controversial naval acquisitions. I recalled that it was close to not going through due to changes in pricing and schedule. Lets assume that India decided NOT to go with the Gorshkov - How would this happen? - What would India's...
  3. covert_shores

    Indian Navy fighter project, TEDBF (Twin Engine Deck Based Fighter)

    Hal and DRDO (/ADO) are developing a "5th generation" fighter. Takes off where the Naval Tejas failed. See Unofficial artist's impression but based directly on DRDO materials...
  4. TinWing

    Air Defense Ship (ADS)/Indigenous Aircraft Carrier (IAC)/Vikrant-class Carrier

    Shortly after the recommissioning of the ex-Hermes as the the INS Viraat in 1987, there were reports from India of long term plans for a 4 carrier fleet,with two new construction hulls and both ex-Hermes/Viraat and ex-Leviathan/Vikrant being retained in service until the late 1990s. A contract...
  5. JAZZ

    New Vikrant Class carrier

    No doubt running late...but an interesting design with help of Fincantari. Expected to weigh in at 38,000t full load, 250m in length and about 24-32 aircraft.
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