imperial russian navy

  1. R

    Russian Cruiser Novik (1900) High Speed Proposal

    Hello all, I was doing some reach on the Russian cruiser Novik laid down in 1900 and I found some interesting information regarding some alternate proposals. Apparently the German shipbuilder Howaldtswerke AG proposed a 30 knot capable cruiser design in 1898! As far as I am aware, Novik was a...
  2. 190X

    Information on Vickers 1907 Design 318 for Russia?

    Hello All, I am looking for any information or leads people might have on Vickers' Dreadnought battleship Design No. 318 as nearly accepted by the Russian Naval Ministry in late 1907. I am particularly looking for information regarding the designed ships' dimensions, arrangement, and any...
  3. World B4

    Some Imperial Russian warships

    Here are some uncompleted Imperial Russian warship projects I found on navypedia, any technical drawings, evidence of not being real, further info, or art of these would be greatly appreciated Gogland destroyers Tenedos destroyers...
  4. A

    Two Peculiar British Designs

    These projects date back to the beginning of the 20th century when many warship experiences and design concepts were developed. Neither proved to be viable. There is little information about these projects and in one case it is only possible to speculate on certain specifications. The first...
  5. Avimimus

    Kaiser Wilhelm II's Homunculus (and torpedo battleships generally)

    "Next in the starry procession came the officers, at their head the Generals and Admirals, all with the watchword: Obedience. The Emperor devises an ideal battleship, impregnably iron-clad, rapid, and armed with torpedo-tubes, which would take the place of the torpedo-boats.... The construction...
  6. C

    "Ultimate battleship" designs

    Hello all, I'm searching infos regarding real (albeit conceptual only) battleship projects distinguishing themselves for extraordinary caliber of main guns and/or number of main guns and displacement. I'm aware of the following, some yet briefly discussed in other topics: -Tillman maximum...
  7. hesham

    Various Russian Prototypes and Projects During & Pre-WW1

    Hi, we can speak here about Russian aircraft prototypes and project during and pre WW1, the engineers P.A. Shishkov and Sushenkov designed many airplanes,one was a two- seat torpedo carrier pusher biplane seaplane and second was a anther two-seat seaplane, but as I know there is also some...
  8. covert_shores

    Really old secret projects (1800s and earlier)

    Thinking that we need a thread for all old (pre-1880s?) projects. Came across HMS Duke of Kent design for a four-deck ship of the line on Reddit. c1809. Never built. Original source
  9. hesham

    Izhorski Giant Triplane Heavy Bomber Project

  10. XP67_Moonbat

    Russian 16-inch Gun Battleship Projects
  11. M

    WW1 Torpedo and Demolition Boats

    Hi everbody I have found some ! Austro-Hungarian "(Hovercraft)" from 1915 It should be a torpedo boat or demolition boat with 1200kg warhead! Here are a few good Websites that describe the system...
  12. Golfus

    Unbuilt Russian Imperial Navy Battleships

    Good morning Vietnam. I´ve found this interesting web about WWI. In the following link you can find some interesting russian battleships. May the fun be with you...
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