imperial iranian navy

  1. A

    The RN buys the Kidds after the Iranian revolution

    Over on the What if Iran never had a revolution? thread Pioneer mentioned that at one point Iran was looking at buying a pair of Invincibles. If that is the case, then the 4 Kidd DDGs they cancelled would have likely been the AAW escorts for the carriers. Which got me wondering - what if, after...
  2. helmutkohl

    What if Iran never had a revolution?

    What if the Iranian revolution never succeeded.. either changes were made that prevented it from occurring, or that it occurred but failed. How would it affect US relations with Iran? Would they still continue to import US weapons? Iran relations with other Mid-East countries? would there...
  3. Grey Havoc

    Iranian nuclear powered ships program This is likely to deadend very quickly (assuming that it's serious in the first...
  4. Y

    Iranian Cancelled Acquisitions of the 1970s

    Hopefully this is the right forum for this. A bit of browsing on the Flight International archive yields this gem from 1974: Then, five years later, The...
  5. Spook

    AWG-9/AIM-54 Phoenix for P-3F ??!

    Hello, Recently i found out a PDF file regarding Military sells of US to Iran before the revolution. The part of the text mentions that Shah was curious to know whether is it possible to equip the P-3Fs and Helicopters to AWG-9 and ultimately AIM-54 Phoenix missile. According to...
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