iirgc aerospace command

  1. Flyaway

    Iranian space launch 22/04/2020

  2. Flyaway

    Ukraine International Airlines flight PS752 Crash

    As some have been asking for a separate thread for this topic. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jan/10/serious-concerns-raised-over-integrity-of-iran-plane-crash-site...
  3. fightingirish

    Iranian Indigenous Trainer Aircraft Developments

    Defence Blog - Iran unveils new Kowsar advanced jet trainer Video: https://youtu.be/NjuzmKrgcWo https://youtu.be/NjuzmKrgcWo See also the topic "Iran unveils indigenous turbojet engine".
  4. Michel Van

    Iran with human Spaceflights program?

    new activity in Iran Space program this time a Monkey on suborbital fight of 120 km up and down. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-21230691 now there is this news From Aerospace Research Institute of Iran, they declare Iran has plans to send human to outer space ...
  5. JFC Fuller

    Iranian made SAMs

    Back in 2010 Iran announced that it had cloned the Hawk system and called it Shahin and incorporated it in a system called Mersad that along with some primitive looking radars also incorporated a rather cool quad twin 23mm cannon system: Then earlier this year they announced they were...
  6. XP67_Moonbat

    Iranian Space Launches

    Would Iran's space program count as a secret space project? It seems they were busy this weekend: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/in_depth/7566804.stm Don't believe the headline here, it's actually the booster they launched: http://www2.irna.ir/en/news/view/line-203/0808188803140547.htm Here's...
  7. R

    Iranian Indigenous Fighter projects (Saeqeh, etc)

    I do remember there are some version showed two tail Tiger2.One is VG-10, other is private vertion modified by famaly, all showed in JAWA before. Now the Iran Saeghe fighter remids me of those, who has more informations about that?
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