The construction of the 2 Universal Landing Craft ( Helicopter carriers) was officially started at a ceremony today.
I haven't been following closely, and do not speak Russian, but indications out there suggest a design in the 20 000 to 25 000 ton range.
From Ronnie Serrano on the "Project Terminated" page on Facebook:
air defence
anti-submarine warfare
cold war
harrier carrierhelicoptercarrier
japan maritime self-defense force
post-cold war
vstol carriers
aircraft carrier
amphibious warfare vessel
anti-submarine warfare
area air defence
cold war
fleet air arm
great britain
imperial iranian navy
post-cold war
royal navy
sea harrier
through-deck command cruiser
through-deck cruiser
vstol carriers
As is well known the Royal Navy built up a decent force of
new and converted amphibious ships in the 1960s based on the
converted carriers Bulwark and Albion, the two Fearless class LPDs
and the Sir Lancelot class LSTs.
Mention, however, is made in some sources of proposals to build
amphibious warfare vessel
cold war
commando carrier
great britain
north atlantic treaty organisation
royal fleet auxiliary
royal marines
royal marines commandos
royal navy
united kingdom
In the 1960s the RN considered ordering up to six purpose built Commando/ASW carriers to replace the Albion and Bulwark conversions.
It is a pity that the RN's focus on trying to keep its fixed wing aircraft carriers stood in the way of this programme as a decent design emerging in the second...
amphibious warfare vessel
cold war
commando carrier
great britain
royal marines
royal marines commandos
royal navy
united kingdom
vstol carriers
Over the years the STOVL ability of the Harrier has led to various proposals for ships for it to operate from.
First was the VT Harrier Carrier concept of the mid-1970s. 8,000 tons, c. 400ft length at WL, 420 ft flight deck with ski-jump.
Electric propulsion powered by 9x5000 hp gas turbine...
british aerospace plc
cold war
fleet air arm
great britain
harrier carrier
hawker siddeley aviation ltd
japan maritime self-defense force
post-cold war
royal navy
sea harrier
united states marine corps
united states navy
vosper thornycroft
vstol carriers
west germany
Hi Folks,
I am interested in information on the cancelled British CVA-01 carrier design. Any assistance would be appreciated.
Thankyou in advance.
aircraft carrier
amphibious warfare vessel
anti-air warfare
anti-submarine warfare
area air defence
cold war
commando carrier
fleet air arm
great britain
guided missile aviation cruiser
late 1960s
north atlantic treaty organisation
royal marines
royal marines commandos
royal navy
v/stol aircraft
vstol carriers
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