
  1. A

    Bo-105 weapons

    I've been looking for some trialled weapons on the bo-105 helicopter and I just can't seem to find any images of the stinger pods mounted on the chopper. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. J

    Ruhrstahl 8-347 (X4)

    By mid-1942 the shortage of tungsten needed for production of anti-tank artillery shells was so critical that the Heereswaffenamt issued a specification calling for a Panzerabwehrrakete (anti-tank missile) fitted with hollow charge warhead. Early in 1943, Dr. Otto Kramer began the development...
  3. Grey Havoc

    European Long-Range Strike Approach

  4. robunos

    Wehrmacht Anti-tank Gun Towing Vehicles

    Looking through a book about Wehrmacht Field Artillery, I came across a list of which type of vehicle was supposed to tow each type of artillery piece. I'm looking for a similar list for Wehrmacht towed Anti-Tank Guns. Can anyone help ? cheers, Robin.
  5. 3

    12.8 cm K.44 Selbstfahrlafette mit gerichtetem Fahrzeug und Feinrichtmaschine

    While looking through a seemingly random search result, I found a particular drawing that stood out to me as it does not seem to be discussed much outside of this VK thread where I found it... Here are the details found in said article: There is also a blueprint and a recreation of said...
  6. Grey Havoc

    Raupenschlepper Ost (RSO) experimental variants and projects

    View: https://www.reddit.com/r/WW2GermanMilitaryTech/comments/y9uv5j/rso_in_a_semitruck_setup_with_a_experimental/
  7. ArmchairSamurai

    Schmalturm & Other Drafts of Panzers

    Hello, just found this link; I thought I would share its contents with you all: https://alternathistory.com/yurij-pasholok-orudie-pobolshe-na-tom-zhe-shassi/ And these were hiding in the comments, one is defintely the Schmalturm, the others, not sure :
  8. ArmchairSamurai

    Panzer II w/ 37mm

    Hello all. I am not sure if this post really belongs here or not, but I just found the photo below and I find the theoretical implications fascinating. It sure looks like a Panzer II turret with a 37mm gun. Sure enough, it is. This turret was used on the Atlantik Wall as a static defensive...
  9. W

    krupp/ardelt waffenträger 105mm lefh-18

    Hi this is my first post - I'm intersting in German technology, specially in armour. Some times ago I saw this pictu were any photos of this vehicle? or any informations?
  10. P

    Proposed outgrowth variants of Spähpanzer Luchs 8x8 reconnaissance vehicle?

    I've been trying in vain to assertain if there was proposed outgrowth variants of the by Daimler-Benz Spähpanzer Luchs 8x8 armoured reconnaissance vehicle? I'm particularly interested as to the adoptability of the Spähpanzer Luchs turret ring size and if larger and heavier armaments were...
  11. P

    Panther with a radial engine

    According to Spielberger, the Panther was tested with a BMW 132 radial engine. Tests were promising, but the book has no details. Anyone with further information?
  12. Graham1973

    Krupp - 105 mm leichte Feldhaubitze 18/1 L/28 auf Waffenträger Geschützwagen IVb (Heuschrecke 10)

    When the Germans realised they needed self-propelled artillery (as opposed to Assault guns) to keep up with the Panzers, their initial efforts involved conversions of various captured vehicles to carry artillery along with the creation of three interim conversions based on tanks already in...
  13. U

    Panzerjäger E-20

    Panzerjäger E-20 :eek:
  14. mackeebryanee13

    Bigger 10.5cm Panzerschreck “Panzertod” Jawohl

  15. T

    Porsche gas turbine for kingtiger

    Hello for all. The is are picture of drawings in W. J. Spielberger book, showing Porsche proposals to install a gas turbine into a Kingtiger hull. Is this an different early proposal for AFV gas turbine use ? Different than GT 101- 103 series ? Tomi
  16. M

    European MGCS ( Main Ground Combat System)

    RM released this late last year. MGCS=Main ground combat system= the supposed Leo III MBT.
  17. Grey Havoc

    Taktisches Luft-Verteidigungs-System (Tactical Air Defense System) [TLVS] 1980s

    The primary contractors on this late 1980s program were MBB, AEG and Siemens. Unfortunately it fell prey to the post-Cold War peace dividend, being cancelled in favour of what originally had been a stopgap program as far as Germany was concerned, the US led Advanced Tactical PATRIOT, later to...
  18. uk 75

    Re-arming the Bundeswehr: Which Projects?

    Just a thought that occurred. The German Armed Forces have been massively downsized since the end of the Cold War. Assuming a decision were taken to re-arm to meet current threats what projects would be back on the table? Or what stuff would you like to see?
  19. piko1

    Eurocopter EC 665 Tiger

    so i have some questions it seams that there is no topic about the Tiger in here yes there are some topics about the Tiger for instance : PAH-2: alternatives to and evolution of the Tiger attack helicopterhttp://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic,207.0/all.htmlFrench Attack...
  20. JFC Fuller

    Simmering-Graz-Pauker Sla 16 (WW2 1945 German diesel tank engine)

    I have seen a number of references to an engine referred to as the Sla 16 that was a product of Simmering- Graz-Pauker (Vienna), possibly with Porsche involvement (designation Type 212). Apparently it had a power output of 730-750 hp and was configured as an 37 litre, air cooled, supercharged...
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