heavy bomber

  1. C

    B-1 / B-52 Bombers for the United Kingdom?

    In a September 20, 2020 article posted on Wavell Room, defense and international affairs analyst Dr. James Bosbotinis examines the United Kingdom’s options for investing in long-range strike capability. One option briefly explored is for the UK to purchase surplus B-1 or B-52 bombers from the...
  2. le max

    P.108M Modificatto

    Pretty sure this is not already in the forum. It mentions a variant of the P.108 with heavier armament, the source is not specificated. Article Here: "P.108M Modificato: Intended modification of P.108B with heavier armament. None built" Does anyone has something that could help me know how...
  3. T

    Post Battle of Britain: Luftwaffe/Axis options

    Similar to the post-BoB RAF: what might've Luftwafe/RLM do after Autumn of 1940 in order to improve their standing, both in short-term (next 12 months) and long-term (a few next years). I've also included 'Axis' term here - mostly European Axis countries' air forces/services - since they can be...
  4. U

    TU-160 Blackjack satelite image

    Good morning folks. I seem to remember back in the early 80's (1984 according to some research) there was a few satelite images released from a House Appropriations Committee of the MIG-29 and SU-27 on a runway during their respective developments (if I remember rightly) I also seem to remember...
  5. isayyo2

    No B-1: Alternative SAC's

    Inspired by the Projects that should have been killed at birth thread's recent conversation about the B-1s futility/utility I thought I'd make a "What If" thread if the AMSA/B-1 program never saw flight. So for whatever reason the AMSA program is not revived by the Nixon Administration...
  6. overscan (PaulMM)

    Boeing B-47 Stratojet & B-52 Stratofortress; Origins & Evolution by Scott Lowther

    The famous B-52 Stratofortress has been in service with the USAF for more than 65 years and its iconic shape is known and recognised all over the world. Yet the B-52 and its predecessor, the B-47 Stratojet, started out looking very different indeed. Each aircraft was the end product of a lengthy...
  7. E

    A B-52 returns

  8. overscan (PaulMM)

    NAA B-70 Valkyrie Variants Article by Tony R. Landis

    https://media.defense.gov/2020/Nov/23/2002540204/-1/-1/1/B-70%20VARIANTS.PDF This is nice :)
  9. A

    Armed to the teeth: B-70 with underwing Skybolts and SRAM internally

    As said in the thread title. There were talks about combining the (equally doomed) Skybolt and Valkyrie. Except it ran into a very stupid issue: Skybolt had been build for subsonic release. Ok then, the B-70 would fly subsonically, launch the Skybolts and get ride of the pylons. And then it...
  10. flateric

    USAF to Retire B-1, B-2 in Early 2030s as B-21 Comes On-Line

  11. hesham

    Old book about; NA B-70

    Hi, https://www.amazon.com/Manned-Missile-Story-B-70/dp/B0007E0YDW
  12. Antonio

    Tupolev Tu‑160: Soviet Strike Force Spearhead

    https://www.amazon.com/Tupolev-Tu-x2011-160-Spearhead/dp/0764352040/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1471166141&sr=8-1&keywords=Tu-160 Publication date: november 2016 Is this going to be just a revision of the original Red Star excellent monographic...
  13. Orionblamblam

    Evolution of the B-52

    Might maybe be of interest... US Bomber Projects #16 is an extra-sized volume covering the evolution of the B-52. Designs covered include: Boeing Model 444 A: A late war turboprop heavy bomber Boeing Model 461: An early postwar turboprop heavy bomber Boeing Model 462: A large six-turboprop...
  14. Triton

    Boeing B-52J / B-52 Re-Engining

    "B-52 Re-engine Resurfaces As USAF Reviews Studies" Oct 10, 2014 Bill Sweetman | Aerospace Daily & Defense Report Source: http://aviationweek.com/defense/b-52-re-engine-resurfaces-usaf-reviews-studies
  15. F

    B-52 avionics

    Hello, I am air-enthusiast from Russia. Sorry for my bad English! Probably B-52 is the best strategic aircraft of the XX century. I especially interested in B-52 early variants and I have questions about the oldest "Buff"`s avionics. All the books I had read (Boyne, Davis & Tornborough...
  16. Michel Van

    To wish B-52 a happy birthday

    man time goes by On April 15, 1952 the Prototype of B-52 rolled out Hangar at Boeing for 60 year B-52 is backbone of USAF strategic Bombing carry nuke during cold war , bomb vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Serbian back in stone age and NASA NB-52B Launch X-15, D-21, X-38, X-24, M2-F3, HL-10 ...
  17. C

    B-70 RCS Reduction Studies

    I can't find any images of this, but I've read about studies that were undertaken to bring the B-70's RCS down to that of the B-52. Plans called for 10-20 degrees of dihedral to be added to the wings, vertical tail-surfaces to be canted inward 10-20 degrees, as well as the addition of slanted...
  18. S

    Russian blackjack fun....

    http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/europe/03/25/russia.uk.intercepts/index.html?hpt=T2 Is this just payback for all the times we did it to them over the years?
  19. F

    RAF Boeing Washington B.1 (B-29) with Grand Slam bombs

    I've looked thru every B-29 book I have or have seen & Googled with no luck. I've read that some of the B-29s sent to the RAF were equipped with racks at the wing roots to carry a Grand Slam bomb under each wing. ISTR also that some USAF a/c were modified as well. I've not been able to find pics...
  20. R

    North American XB-70 Valkyrie

    I hadn't seen this posted here before and so I thought I'd post it for the benefit of anyone who hadn't seen it before. Volume I Volume II Volume III Volume IV Not having the benefit of an education in aerospace, what is the meaning of the V Limit Design and V Max Design lines on the first...
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