
  1. uk 75

    NATO helicopter gunship for the 70s

    Although the excellent AH1 Cobra was deployed to Europe in the 1970s and received TOW missiles to help it kill Soviet armour, noone else in NATO could afford it. That left W Germany sticking six HOT missile launchers on its Bo 105 light observation helicopter and the British Army SS11 missiles...
  2. uk 75

    NATO Cobras

    The US Huey Cobra was a formidable gunship helicopter. Unlike the later Apache which has found widespread use.with NATO, the Cobra did not get much NATO use. West Germany should have been a major user. TOW equipped Cobras would have added much to Bundeswehr units. Instead the Boelkow B105...
  3. J

    AC-119 gunship in Taiwan

    In the 1970s, with reference to the experience of the USAF in the Vietnam War. The ROC (also know as "Taiwan" ) Air Force was converted more than 10 C-119s into AC-119 gunships. (Armament: 5× or 6× 12.7 mm guns, previously used for F-86) Also, some C-119s with modified bomb slide rails are...
  4. Hood

    Did George Orwell invent the Helicopter Gunship?

    Did George Orwell invent the concept of the helicopter gunship in his novel 'Nineteen Eighty-Four' which he wrote in 1947? "April 4th, 1984. Last night to the flicks. All war films. One very good one of a ship full of refugees being bombed somewhere in the Mediterranean. Audience much amused...
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