guided missile aviation cruiser

  1. Brickmuppet

    USN Aviation Cruiser Concepts (CGV & MEU Studies)

    I cross-posted this at the Warships Projects Board.... The 16th edition Norman Polmars' Ships and Aircraft of the US Fleet (pp89-90) mentions a number of unusual carrier proposals being looked at at by the bottom up review at the time of publishing (1997). They range from an "ultra large...
  2. uk 75

    RN 1962: Escort Cruiser versus Type 82 with helo

    In Friedman's book on British Destroyers and Frigates there is an interesting account of how the Royal Navy looked at the competing virtues of two ships which are described but never illustrated. The first is a 10,000 ton escort cruiser armed with Seadart launchers front and aft and with a...
  3. P

    Stretched Type 82

    In Rebuilding the RN Brown notes 'In 1967 consideration was given to a stretched Type 82 to replace the Tiger class as helicopter ships' (DEFE 16/617 (PRO)) Were any drawings made?
  4. GTX

    British Carriers Commando Ships and Escort Cruisers 1963 to 1968

    Hi Folks, I am interested in information on the cancelled British CVA-01 carrier design. Any assistance would be appreciated. Thankyou in advance. Regards, Greg
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