greater romania

  1. hesham

    I.A.R Romanian aircraft company

    Hi, I know it is very difficult to know all of this company aircraft,but I hope to get them all,who can help ?. Of course we know all of those aircraft; IAR-11,12,13,14,15,16,21,22,23 24,27,36,37,38,39,46,47,79,80 and 81.
  2. L


    I remember vaguely reading somewhere that there are some provisional drawings in ( maby ! hope my memory is not fooling me ) Air Enthusiast ( i think 1994 , there is a big article on romanian aeronauthical industry in WW2 there ...). Does anyone have these drawing please, i cant find absolutely...
  3. L

    IAR-80 with inline engine

    According to the IAR-80 TMA book, there were two airframes modified to take german DB engines( not counting the fact that the original IAR-80 project envisaged a Jumo-211 engine ). First was IAR-80 no.13 modified in spring 1941 to take an DB-601Aa engine , only one unsuccesful flight made in...
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