glenn l. martin company

  1. Orionblamblam

    Martin EGRESS

    I'm stunned to find out that, unless several searches failed to work properly, there is no thread for the Martin "EGRESS" (EMERGENCY GLOBAL RESCUE, ESCAPE, AND SURVIVAL SYSTEM) capsule. This was a modification of the ejection capsule used on the B-58... fitted with a heat shield, de-orbit motor...
  2. Flyaway

    Vanguard 1

    2nd US Satellite: Vanguard 1 1958 NASA; Oldest Satellite Still in Orbit Jeff Quitney Published on Jul 13, 2018 "On March 17, (1958) a Vanguard I rocket launched an Earth satellite with solar batteries. Data from the mission was used to determine that the Earth is slightly pear-shaped. From...
  3. hesham

    Martin M-380-2 V/STOL Tilt-Wing Lift Fan Aircraft

    Hi, I know we spoke about this aircraft before,but I get a new clearer PDF and I prefer to open a new topic for it,with a clearer artist drawing.,2140.msg110711.html#msg110711
  4. Stargazer

    Martin 313 Submaster (XP7M-1): Open Ocean ASW Seaplane

    As stated in the companion thread on the Grumman G-132 design, "The 1955 CNO OR AS-040502 required an ASW flying boat with the ability to alight in the open sea, up to sea state 5, in order to operate a sophisticated dunking sonar, AN/ASQ6." This resulted in the "Open Ocean Seaplane" request for...
  5. Jemiba

    Martin "Mighty Midget" close support aircraft (1954)

    Martin proposed an interesting concept for close air suport in 1952. The twin engined jet aircraft was designed for simplicity, short field performance, low vulnerabilty, high maneuverability and provision for a wide variety of different weapons, including side firing guns, as later introduced...
  6. overscan (PaulMM)

    Martin Project List Pretty complete model list of Martin aircraft.
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