general electric company

  1. aam641

    B-52 testbed for a nuclear turbojet

    You may have already seen this at Attached is a picture of what looks like radiation doses around the nuclear engine. My quick conversion gives me 1000 Gy/hr in zone I and 5 Gy/hr in zone VIII. Could somebody knowledgeable check these...
  2. Tuomasn

    General Electric turbine engines

    Whilst doing something else I decided to compile a list of General Electric turbine engines with "GExx" designations. GE has obviously used also other designation series, so anyone who wants can add those. Also, as usual, any additions or corrections are welcome. Note that I'm not certain if the...
  3. K

    Pratt & Whitney J-91 vs General Electric J-93 GE-1, GE-3, and GE-5 Questions

    Normally, I would just look through my books but I don't have very much information about the J-91 other than it had a 9-stage compressor, a twin-stage turbine, a 7:1 pressure-ratio, a trans-sonic compressor, a 55-inch diameter, and that the J-58 was an 80% scaled down version with a higher...
  4. flateric

    85 ton man-operated 'Beetle' built for AFSWC to tend nuclear-powered rockets

    Courtesy LIFE/Google
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