future attack reconnaissance aircraft

  1. J

    Boeing FARA

    Alone among the FARA contenders, Boeing have yet to fully reveal details of their submission, apparently designed by the company's 'Phantom Works'. They did release a teaser video - some screenshots of which are shown at https://facebook.com/aerospaceanalysis/
  2. L

    Bell 360 Invictus (FARA program)

    https://www.flugrevue.de/angebot-fuer-den-fara-wettbewerb-der-us-army-bell-360-invictus-enthuellt/ auto translate https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=de&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.flugrevue.de%2Fangebot-fuer-den-fara-wettbewerb-der-us-army-bell-360-invictus-enthuellt%2F Looks like dad bod...
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