fuerza aérea argentina

  1. Baco

    Fabrica Militar de Aviones -Profili-

    Military Aircraft Factory, 100 years of history -Profiles- – Author: Daniel Gómez – Format 21x29 cm – 196 pages – Review: since 1925 the Córdoba factory has produced prototypes and series of different aircraft intended to equip our armed forces and civil aviation national The author reviews each...
  2. F.L.

    Alternative fighter for Argentine AF & Navy during Falklands war.

    What would have been the impact on the dogfights FAA vs Sea Harriers FRS.1 if Argentina had disposed MiG-21MF/bis & MiG-23MS/MF with R-13M/R-60 during the air war over Falklands. Shar vs MiG-21/ Shar vs MiG-23/ And also with other fighters. The purpose of this thread is not to engage in...
  3. Erdosain

    Argentine Missile Projects

    Hello I am from Argentina. Looking for information on Horten for my final aeronautical engineering work I found a lot of information about the IA-37 and the unknown cruise missile proposed by Horten in 1960 I wrote this article, which was translated into English in warisboring's web: La Bomba...
  4. Mike Pryce

    Harrier in the Falklands

    Think Defence have posted a couple of interesting articles lately, with great pictures, on the more unusual bases used for Harriers in the Falklands. http://www.thinkdefence.co.uk/2012/04/the-atlantic-conveyor-falklands30/...
  5. Grey Havoc

    AX-04: Last Torpedo Bomber development of the 20th Century?

    Could the IA-58 Pucará be classified as the last Torpedo Bomber, at least developmental wise, of the 20th Century? For those of you who are not familiar with it, AX-04 was a prototype of the IA 58 Pucará, modified during the Falklands War as part of a joint Air Force/Navy project hoping to...
  6. overscan (PaulMM)

    Argentine SAIA 90 fighter project

    Air International October 1983 Argentina defined requirements for a dual-role combat aircraft for the 90s. SAIA 90 (Sistema de Armas Integrado Argentino de la decada del 90), to be built in Argentina, for air/air and air/ground roles. Using (Dornier) technology acquired in IA-63 Pampa. License...
  7. R

    Argentinian Unbuilt Projects

    Hi folks I've reading about a number of non-built projects during the end of the 40's, the 50's and even the 60's, as IA-39 designed by Kurt Tank, IA-47, IA-48 a delta wing fighter, two projects called Pallavicino 1 and 2 for sure based on the Gloster Meteor, and others without number like the...
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