In 1939, France's Edgar Brandt & Company offered the French Army a series of three HEAT grenades...a 50mm-diameter design to be fired from standard infantry rifles, a 60mm design to be fired from the rifle-caliber medium machine gun in single shot mode, and an 80mm design to be fired from the...
armée de terre
armée française de la libération
armée secrète
conseil national de la résistance
edgar brandt & company
forcesfrançaises de l'intérieur
french third republic
high-explosive anti-tank
late 1930s
pre-world war ii
rifle grenades
world war ii
Hello! I'm currently searching the data about this little guy:
This is BHT-38 (Bombe Hurel-Turck) radio-controlled glide bomb, designed for French military shortly before World War 2. It was supposed to have a weight about 160 kg. Some examples were tested in 1940, but Fall of the France...
anti-ship bomb
armeé de l'air
forces aériennes françaiseslibresforcesfrançaiseslibres
france libre
french fourth republic
french third republic
guided weapon
interwar period
late 1930s
marine nationale
post-world war ii
pre-world war ii
provisional government of the french republic
vichy france
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