floating city

  1. bearnard97

    The possibility of the colonization of Venus put forward by NASA

    This is a video about the possibility of the colonization of Venus put forward by NASA. Personally, I think the idea of colonizing Venus is a completely useless idea. Even more useless than colonizing Mars. Venus's environment is even more harsh than the environment on Mars which will we should...
  2. Grey Havoc

    Chinese 2008 floating city concept - Super Star

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYURrZqgMfM&feature=player_detailpage http://www.dvice.com/archives/2008/09/-its-a-bird-its.php
  3. Michel Van

    Manned "Cloudbase" in Venus Atmosphere

    Cloudbase is the fictional skyborne headquarters of international security organisation Spectrum, from Gerry Anderson's science fiction television series Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Years later the British Interplanetary Society proposed so a Cloudbase, but for Atmosphere of Venus ! In...
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