fighter bomber

  1. Stargazer

    Caproni Ca.150 twin-boom fighter project

    The twin-boom Caproni Ca.150 was an attack-fighter ordered in 1936 but subsequently cancelled. The current Caproni auction at Mallams has enabled the emergence of some really interesting material, such as these Ca.150 documents which show two different design iterations (Ca.150 and Ca.150/2)...

    Stealth fighter bomber

    I was thinking what if there was a stealth fighter bomber to replace the fb-111.
  3. newsdeskdan

    Messerschmitt Me 262 Development & Politics by Dan Sharp

    Messerschmitt Me 262 Development & Politics by Dan Sharp There are many myths surrounding the development of the Messerschmitt Me 262 jet fighter. Its unparalleled performance is beyond doubt; easily able to outpace its opponents and possessing the firepower to shred them in seconds. Yet...
  4. uk 75

    How useless were the Luftwaffe's Alpha Jets?

    One of the things that always puzzled me in the 70s was how the West German Air Force replaced its NATO light fighter bomber competition winning Fiat G91 with the Dornier Dassault Breguet Alpha Jet. The Germans had the money to buy a raft of different planes for this role ranging from Jaguars...
  5. C

    Caproni CDR-10

    In volume 8 of “Gente dell’Aria” by Giorgio Evangelisti published in 2012, there is a description of an italian trimotor called Caproni CDR-10, equipped with three Isotta Fraschini “Delta” RC.41. CDR stands for Caproni-De Bernardi-Rossi. The latter was the engineer Lelio Rossi, former Technical...
  6. P

    Battle of France and RAF light bomber choices.

    I've caught papacavy's "What If" disease, but this is purely for interest rather than literary purposes. As we all know, the Fairey Battle was an airplane which, once tested in combat, did not imbue its crews with any confidence that they would come home from attacking defended targets. Let's...
  7. hesham

    Messerschmitt Bf 110/161 Projects & Prototypes

    Hi, here is a comparison between BF.161-V2 and BF.162-V2.
  8. C

    Lockheed Martin FB-22

    Can't find much on the site about the FB-22, so I thought I would post these from a couple of years ago. The design has evolved a bit more since then.
  9. Sundog

    F-14 Tomcat Projects

    I was wondering if anyone has any more information on the version of the Tomcat II shown in the image below? It's obviously stealthier than the standard version and has inlets similar to the F-22, but I was wondering if anyone here has all three views or any renderings or pictures of models of...
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