engineering Dawilson Lucato created some light aircraft based on some of IPAI airplanes,
began with DL-1,also DL-13,DL-18,DL-19 & DL-20.
The missing numbers are mysteries for me ?,can anyone help ?.
Enciclopedia de Avioes Brasileiros
G'day all.
I'm looking for information, details and profile drawings of the Brazilian Tectran 6×6 armoured all-terrain 10-ton trucks. I've read, but can't confirm that the Tectran 6×6 truck is based on a Mercedes-Benz 2028 truck chassis.
I'm only able to find the Tectran 6x6 truck design...
I spoke before about some of Embraer projects,and I want a drawings to EMB-301
basic trainer,which was based on Neiva Universal,and EMB-311 COIN and attack
aircraft,based on Caraja.
IPT-0 Bichinho was a single seat light monoplane,
IPT-4 Planalto was two seat light monoplane,
IPT-7 Junior was two seat cabin monoplane,
IPT-8 nine seat light transport aircraft,
IPT-9 was a twin engined five seat light transport aircraft,
IPT-10 Junior three seat cabin...
cold war
federative republic of brazil
first brazilianrepublic
fourth brazilianrepublic
interwar period
post-cold war
second brazilianrepublic
third brazilianrepublic
world war ii
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