european launcher development organisation

  1. Michel Van

    Darwin Launch Site in Australia

    During ELDO Europa 2 project, it became clear that Woomera launch site was not able to launch payload with Europa 2 to GEO One Proposal was to build (or move) a Launch site near of the equator, at Darwin in Northern Territory. But the French had...
  2. Jemiba

    Blue Streak based satellite transport system

    In 1959 G.K.C.Pardoe, Chief Coordinator/balistic missiles at DeHavilland Propellers Ltd. made several proposals to use the Blue Streak as the basis for a sattelite transport system. - The first shown would combine the Blue Streak with a solid propellant second stage, where the payload would have...
  3. A

    Early european rocketry projects

    title says all. It seems that Tony Buttler did it again! Along the mythical Avro 732 "supersonic Vulcan" he mention a Vulcan with a Diamant rocket under wing. (I've seen a pic, but I won't post it here) More info on the context and specs of this project ? I've checked Diamant A/B/BP-4 at...
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