
  1. Michel Van

    ERNO Large Ariane 5 Return Capsule (LaReCa)

    As ESA discuss European Manned Spaceflight was a battle between Hermes Shuttle and Capsule Fraction Here the 1989 Proposal of ERNO "LaReCa" short for Large Ariane 5 Return Capsule It feature: -A large reusable Capsule for various mission -The use of full potential of Ariane 5 rocket...
  2. B

    MBB/ERNO (Einstufiger) LuftAtmender Raketen-Träger (LART)

    Spaceflight News , August Year ?
  3. boxkite

    ERNO LB 21 Bumerang

    A few years ago I saw a poster(?) of the West German space shuttle (or lifting body proposal?) ERNO (= Entwicklungsring Nord) LB 21 Bumerang inside the Peenemünde museum. After this 'meeting' I never saw it again, neither in books nor in magazines. Who can help with details (illustrations...
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