energy crisis

  1. Michel Van

    What kind Wind Turbine is this ?

    I need your Help in 1970s this kind Wind Turbine was proposed (here illustrated by Roger Leloup in 1976) has some one more information about this ?
  2. Grey Havoc

    Blackouts in the British Isles

    A little bit of background on the Irish situation first: As things stand this week...
  3. Triton

    Boeing Model 759-159

    From Boeing Images: Source: EDIT: Attachment removed. See large image below.
  4. Triton

    Boeing Solar Power Satellite
  5. O

    SPS (Solar Power Satellite) Program of the 70's/80's This is a thread for any information or images in regards to the large scale plan developed from the 70's through 80's in regards to the STS (Space Transportation System) being used to build the massive space stations in orbit attached to the...
  6. Triton

    Boeing RC-1 "Brute Lifter"

    The Boeing RC-1, for Resource Carrier 1, was a joint development project of Boeing and the Great Plains Project, a think tank created by the Canadian government under Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau to develop the country's Far North. Of particular interest was extracting oil, natural gas...
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