
  1. E

    New York semiconductor site picked for $825 million in funding

  2. M

    ARM cancelling ISA licenses to Qualcomm

    https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-10-23/arm-to-cancel-qualcomm-chip-design-license-in-escalation-of-feud Actual nuclear bomb. Probably wouldn't actually happen, since it sounds more like a big bargaining chip, but potentially a huge turning point for the chip industry, and especially...
  3. I

    Rockwell Multisensor Target Acquisition System (MTAS)

    I was watching a video about the M1 Component Advanced Technology Testbed (CATTB), and found mention of a Multisensor Target Acquisition System (MTAS) using Millimeter Wave Radar, Infrared and other sensors to detect targets in a Battlefield obscured by smoke or other detection inhabiting...
  4. M

    Canon Nanoimprint Lithography (NIL) - possible future major player in the lithography market?

    https://global.canon/en/technology/nil-2023.html https://www.tomshardware.com/tech-industry/canons-nanoimprint-litho-tool-could-disrupt-wafer-fab-equipment-market I don't think NIL can enter logic chip foundary market any soon, though it seems like for flash and RAM, there's a real chance that...
  5. Flyaway

    Artificial Intelligence - General News

    New superbug-killing antibiotic discovered using AI https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-65709834
  6. Grey Havoc

    Automatic Implementation of Secure Silicon (DARPA)

  7. Tzoli

    British Electronics "Type" Designations

    I've tried to collect all the British Type designations for electornics like Sonars, Radars, Jammers etc Here is the list: If anybody know more designations and their design/cancellation/introduction dates that would be great: Type 1 - Land Based Air Search Radar (1935/36) Type 2 - Land Based...
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