electronic warfare

  1. bercr

    Famous American Aircraft: Grumman EA-6B Prowler - An Operational History - Rick Morgan - Crecy

  2. boxkite

    They Also Serve - RAF Reconnaissance and Support Projects Since 1945

    Have I missed something? Have I overlooked something? See Chris Gibson's (new?) Avatar ...
  3. Orionblamblam

    Russian Luch Korsar UCAV Drone

    Coming soon to eBay? View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ui7P0dA4sCw
  4. Flyaway

    More focus on cyberwarfare/defense

    About time I hope the same is being carried out in the UK in a focussing of minds on this particular matter. https://thehill.com/policy/cybersecurity/3470296-ukraine-war-speeds-up-us-cyber-agenda/
  5. Flyaway

    Stealing secrets from the ether: missile and satellite telemetry interception during the Cold War

  6. Rhinocrates

    Cyberwar, Navigation, etc.

    I'm sorry to see that the 'Russia Fires Warning Shots at British Destroyer in the Black Sea' thread has been locked. Leaving aside the nationalist tone that arose in some comment, perhaps there's potential in discussing navigation technologies and cyberwar under the Secret Projects banner...
  7. Grey Havoc

    Colonial Pipeline cyberattack

    https://news.trust.org/item/20210508152642-o9z7n https://it.slashdot.org/story/21/05/08/177226/cyberattack-forces-major-us-pipeline-company-to-halt-operations https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-57050690 https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-57063636...
  8. Richard N

    Hacker Team Wins $50,000 For Hacking A Satellite At DefCon

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRQza6IxOjo
  9. Forest Green

    Electronic Warfare

  10. Flyaway

    Ekipazh: Russia’s top-secret nuclear-powered satellite

    It is likely for electronic warfare. Anyway here is the excellent article by Bart Hendrick, reads like a detective novel. t seems like it’s part of general fashion for nuclear powered military projects in Russia at the moment. http://www.thespacereview.com/article/3809/1
  11. Flyaway

    Lotos ELINT Spacecraft

  12. D

    Latest Marjata variant

    Latest variant of the Norwegian Elint vessel Marjata.
  13. Triton

    Boeing B-52J / B-52 Re-Engining

    "B-52 Re-engine Resurfaces As USAF Reviews Studies" Oct 10, 2014 Bill Sweetman | Aerospace Daily & Defense Report Source: http://aviationweek.com/defense/b-52-re-engine-resurfaces-usaf-reviews-studies
  14. Stargazer

    The extended family of the Mil Mi-8

    Here is a list of all known M-8 family designations from Catalogue of aeronautical products and systems (it has been translated, reorganized and reordered according to the sequence of the Western alphabet). I am pretty certain however that additions and corrections will inevitably happen! V-8...
  15. Grey Havoc

    US Cyber Command to be expanded

    Via the Drudge Report: Pentagon to boost cybersecurity force (Washington Post) Hmmmm.
  16. S

    Military Concorde

    Curious to know if Concorde was ever considered in a military role, maybe as a recce aircraft or cruise missile platform? Would this have been feasible?
  17. overscan (PaulMM)

    "Combat Tree" AN/APX-80/81 and QRC-248

    Topic for Combat Tree.
  18. Tuomasn

    Tupolev Tu-160 projects

    Thread to discuss Tupolev Tu-160 based projects.
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