ejército argentino

  1. Phantom Fanatic

    Argentine TAM tank replacement programs

    Hello all I was looking around Secret Projects this morning and I realized that there is no thread dedicated to discussion of Argentine efforts to replace the TAM. I see one short post on the “South American Tanks” thread about the TAP, any additional information about this project would be...
  2. B

    Proposed Argentine replacements for the Mauser mod. 1909 7,65 mm

    In 1953, the Argentine army evidenced a requirement for a rifles that would replace its Mauser mod. 1909-Hence DGFM built prototypes of the M1 Garand, the STG 43 and the Johnson rifle (the latter at the IAME) F Eventually, the FAL was selected in 1955, and license production began in 1959
  3. B

    Argentine Crusader SPGs

    In the immediate postwar years, the Argentine Army acquired 130 Crusader tractor Mk.2 chassis, which were converted into SPGs. There were 3 versions: one which mounted a Krupp 75mm L.30 75 mm cannon, one fitted with a Schneider 105 mm L.19,6 howitzer, and the 3rd. with a Bofors 75mm L.40 mod...
  4. Grey Havoc

    Falklands War: Where were the Argie tanks?

    [PHOTO CREDIT: HISTORY WARS WEAPONS blog] I was doing a bit of research on another topic, and came across some info on the Argentian TAM (Tanque Argentino Mediano) medium tank, which got me to thinking. After they had sized the islands, how come the Junta didn't ship at least a few of those...
  5. robunos

    Nahuel Argentine tank design

    On page 58 (page 69 of the PDF) of '"Fabrica Militar de Aviones, historias y testimonios", see here :- http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic,211.msg86741.html#msg86741 there's a picture of a very Sherman like tank. As the picture caption is in spanish, another language that I...
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