edgar brandt & company

  1. J

    Edgar Brandt & Company 1940 80mm HEAT projector-grenade

    In 1939, France's Edgar Brandt & Company offered the French Army a series of three HEAT grenades...a 50mm-diameter design to be fired from standard infantry rifles, a 60mm design to be fired from the rifle-caliber medium machine gun in single shot mode, and an 80mm design to be fired from the...
  2. J

    HEAT (shaped charge) naval ordnance in WWII

    The French Edgar Brandt company had a design in 1940 for an eight inch shell, intended for naval guns, with HEAT functionality. My understanding is that it was projected to have, under optimal conditions, penetration of ~ 500mm / 20 inches. Brandt also was interested in the use of HEAT...
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