MAK-10 was made by a russian aviator designer who moved to France. This plane have many designideas influenced by typical typical russian designs of the earlyer times. But had a very unique style anyway. It doesnt have a very wide body, rather a bit thin one vs. the length. That gave some...
The Royal Navy's second 16" armed battleships history was a long and bumpy road of large number of designs and the inability on the Admiralty's side to actually start and continue it's work on them or choose a design to produce.
First I present the 1938 designs:
Design 14A-38
This is the first...
director of naval construction (royal navy)
directorate of naval construction
early1930searly 1940s
great britain
interwar period
pre-world war ii
royal navy
world war ii
here is a strange gyroplane Project,designed by Alfredo Varni.'Italia/L'ALA%20D'ITALIA%201930%2005.pdf'Italia/L'ALA%20D'ITALIA%201930%2006.pdf
here is a radical insect looks like airplane,designed by Mr. T. A. Dring of Poulner, Hampshire
at the age 78,constructed and flight in 1934.
William E. Metzger, along with Henry G. McCarroll formed the Cadillac Aircraft Corporation in Northville, MI, in February 1929. The first design was the 1929 Duoplane, christened the Voyager (seen below). The second aircraft of 1930 was the MAC-1. The production facility was the former Stinson...
A 1917 aeronautical startup by Grover Loening, the Loening Aeronatical Engineering company eventually merged with the Keystone Aircraft company and became Loening Aeronautical Division of Keystone Aircraft in 1928. In 1931 Keystone became part of Curtiss-Wright Corporation. The "Flying...
Ever since 1911, Glenn H. Curtiss constantly dreamed of an airplane which would become a "family car of the air". His last efforts in this direction was a "flying wing" biplane with a pusher propeller, the configuration of which was very much like that of the Dunne D.8 of 1911.
The similarity...
Born in 1893 in Absberg / Germany, Reinhold Tiling had begun to work on rockets during 1924. For a safe landing
of his rockets, he developed the two techniques: The "Kreiselflugzeug" (Gyroplane), where the tailplane switched
to a kind of rotor after burn-out of the rocket engine, decelerating...
the Hawker company developed in 1933,a monoplane version of its
Fury biplane fighter,it remained a drawing board only.
Found this British aircraft of the 1930s and have no idea if it was actually produced, or if the Navarro company did anything else. Here are excerpts from the 1931 brochure... Has anyone heard of Navarro before? Other pics would be greatly appreciated!
here is a mystery giant tailless transport aircraft project from Germany,and
may be the designer name mention on the drawing !,who can solve this ?.
I wish to know more about this elusive Swedish tank. The few articles I could find about it is regarded to the L-100 tank with 20mm AT gun. Do you guys know more about this vehicle? A drawing or photo maybe? Does even the Swedish built the L-101?
Contest 1934: A speedy bomber for the Royal Italian Air Force
Talking about the characteristics and necessities of competition held by the Italian Ministry of Aeronautics in 1934 for a Terrestrial bomber <Veloce> (speedy) defined with the intention to evade enemy fighters; You must place in the...
Via Google Translate, Yahoo! Babelfish, and my re-writing and editing:
In March 1930, foreign specialists were invited to provide technical assistance to the Soviet Union. Among these foreign specialists was a German engineer named Edward Grotte. Under his leadership, in the fall of 1931 at the...
I was reading up on the Sperry M1 Messenger, which naturally led to the Curtiss F9C Sparrowhawk, and this intriguing reference:
I have to ask...does anyone have any more info on or images of Design 124?
the North American/General Aviation GA-38X was three engined
low-wing medium transport aircraft project of 1932,powered by
three P&W Wasp engines.
the Blackburn Nile was three engined recce bomber flying boat,it was
designed for R5/27 Spec.,but never completed.
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