
  1. L

    DPRK Navy ships

    Thought to create this to cover various DPRK navy systems other than nuclear SLBMs/UUSVs etc. Here's a close image of an Anmok class corvette from the recent parade footage. View: https://twitter.com/KPA_bot/status/1684818203355332608/photo/1
  2. KUMA

    'Haeil' ('Tsunami') North Korea's Unmanned Underwater Nuclear Attack Craft

    http://kcna.kp/en/article/q/8f6050fdcdec7876cc135c0378202bf2.kcmsf Important Weapon Test and Firing Drill Conducted in DPRK I made a simple fix to the panels in the background: There is currently no way to estimate the size of this vehicle.
  3. BullpupRafale

    2 South Koreans, Including Army Captain, Allegedly Spied for North

    Source: https://www.voanews.com/a/south-koreans-including-army-captain-allegedly-spied-for-north/6550135.html
  4. Grey Havoc

    North Korean 2020 SSN program?

  5. M

    U.S. Official: North Korean Submarine is Missing, Presumed Sunk

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