douglas aircraft company missile & space division

  1. overscan (PaulMM)

    R G Smith - one of the greatest aviation artists of all time

    Mike Machat shows some of R G Smith's incredible artwork on his Youtube channel. View:
  2. Graham1973

    Pioneer Biosatellite (1968)

    While trying to locate a Douglas proposal to modify an S-IVb into an orbiting bioresearch lab I found this report on the possible use of the Pioneer VI-IX bus for a series of heliocentric orbiting BioSats. Feasibility study for conducting biological experiments aboard a Pioneer spacecraft...
  3. RyanC

    Douglas Missile (DM) List

    Very sketchy and incomplete! DM-14 - Nike-Hercules DM-15 -- Nike Zeus A? (sketchy) DM-15S --NIKE-ZEUS ASAT DM-15X2 -- Nike-EX. On 1 JAN 1967, was redesignated SPARTAN. DM-18 -- Thor DM-18A -- Thor Agena A? DM-19 -- Thor Delta? DM-20 -- Skybolt DM-21 -- Thor Agena B?
  4. Triton

    Douglas Spacecraft Projects and Proposals 1961

    Douglas print ad from 1961 showing space vehicle concepts. URL:
  5. Michel Van

    S-IVB as reusable SSTO

    Around end 1960's Douglas proposed several projects for reuse of S-IVB Stage the final Idea was a reusable S-IVB with Aerospike engine to use as upperstage on Saturn launcher or as SSTO got some one more info (like payload) on that proposal ? thanks in advance
  6. Michel Van

    Douglas ROMBUS

    Philip Bono master piece "Reusable Orbital Module-Booster & Utility Shuttle"from 1964 is SSTO (VTOVL) with payload 450 tons in 185 km Orbit. with a plug nozzle rocket engine design, used also as heat shield during atmospheric reentry. most of LH2 fuel...
  7. hesham

    Douglas Astro delta-wing spacecraft

    Hi, the Douglas Astro was delta-wing vehicle and spacecraft,it was combined aircraft and rocketry concepts.
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