
  1. J

    Unknown models from the Douglas Model shop [now identified]

    Hi, My name is Jim Keeshen. I am new to this forum and collect proposal models. I have no idea if I am in the right post, but thought I’d give it a shot. Occasionally I find models that I cannot identify, thus I have joined this group. Here are 2 models from the Douglas model shop. Someone...
  2. fightingirish

    The Douglas World Cruisers First Flight Around the World with Mike Machat

    Great to see Mike Machat again. :) Video: View: Dear mods, if necessary, please feel free to move this post to a more suitable topic. :)
  3. isayyo2

    Skybolt enters service, now what?

    I'd love to hear everyones thoughts on the topic; if Skybolt enters service, what differences if any does it make? For SAC and USAF, it gives them an airborne deterrence rivaled only by the equally impressive Polaris program. But Vietnam still occurs, and conventional capabilities are still a...
  4. V

    Douglas (Long Beach) Model 1044 and 1072 light assault transports

    I have a copy of the book American Secret Projects: US Airlifters 1941 to 1961 and on pages 74-75 it discusses the Douglas company's proposals for powered versions of the Model 1028 (CG-19) and Model 1029, including the Model 1044 and Model 1072. Specifications for those proposals (from page 76...
  5. taildragger

    Unknown Douglas Convertaplane

    Painting recently found listed on eBay with no useful background. Does anyone have any info on it? The artist is R.G. Smith, house artist at Douglas Aircraft, and it looks like his style so I assume it represents a Douglas concept. Douglas explored all sorts of exotica over the years - WIGs...
  6. Maveric

    Douglas Designations

    Hi all, I search for a list of Douglas designation! Can anybody help? PLEASE!!!! Servus Maveric
  7. Triton

    Douglas Spacecraft Projects and Proposals 1961

    Douglas print ad from 1961 showing space vehicle concepts. URL:
  8. C

    Strange vehicle and Saturn-IB derived station.

    What is this? Seems a Biconic lifting body docked with a some Saturn-IB Station! I have found on web,but don't know what is.
  9. Triton

    Douglas F5D-1 Skylancer

    Model of Douglas F5D Skylancer manufactured by Allyn found on eBay. Seller's description:
  10. overscan (PaulMM)

    Douglas D-741 / A4D-4 Skyhawk

    The A4D-4 was a 1958 proposal for a long-range all-weather attack version of the Skyhawk. It would be capable of delivering a nuclear weapon at low altitude. The wing shape was changed from that of a delta to that of a swept tapered shape. The span of the swept wing was increased by about 10...
  11. Orionblamblam

    Alternatives to the NAA X-15

    The AP-76 was one of the neatest-looking of the X-15 contenders... and also the poorest performer of the bunch. Looks ain't everything. BLATANT COMMERCIALISM WARNING.... Along with the AP-76, I just added a slew of new items. The AP-76 report is a prime example of how a design *should* be...
  12. boxkite

    DC-10 Projects and Variants

    According to Vaclav Němeček in his book “Civilní letadla 2” the drawing gives an impression of a DC-10 variant, but he didn’t mention a D-… number. Is anyone able to supplement the designation?
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