
  1. RavenOne

    General Atomics DO228 NXT

    Laughingly or not as I walked through HAll 3 at ILA Berlin 2024 last week, came across General Atomics booth, showcasing off their Predator, Reaper, Avenger , noticed on their video, pair of DO228. Outside in static between Halls 3 and 4, was DO228 (my photos below) with General Atomics...
  2. F-32

    Fictional German High Altitude Interceptor

    I am unsure if this is the right forum to post this, or if SecretProjects is even the right site, but if i understood correcrly this should be fine. If this post needs to be taken down just tell me and i will remove it! I've been trying to come up with some at least partly believable combat...
  3. Voltzz

    Dornier KAD (Korps-Aufklärungs-Drohne)

    Multiple articles in the Dornier Post mention a drone project called Korps-Aufklärungs-Drohne (Corps-Reconnaissance-Drone) as the German predecessor to the CL-89. However i can find very little information on it. There is only one article (from 1971) that describes it in some detail. The article...
  4. Voltzz

    Dornier Post and other publications

    I came across this site that has a bunch of Dornier publication (in german) including from their time as part of DASA and later EADS. It claims approval by 'Airbus Corporate Heritage'. The most interesting bit is a cloud-storage with digitized Dornier Post issues.(1935-1943+1962-1994) Included...
  5. Voltzz

    Dornier Do 228 AEW

    I found an article in the Dornier Post about their ideas for a small, relatively cheap AEW aircraft based on the Do228. The radar they chose was the Thorn EMI Skymaster mounted in 2 different version, either in the nose or in a radome on top of the aircraft. Do-Post_88-2
  6. S

    Dornier Seawings - Seastar and Orca hydroplanes

    Dornier Seastar all-composite amphibian evolved from 1984, more then 3 decades. For certain years, Dornier teamed Chinese company, Wuxi for further developement. Official site. Seastar initially offered as aircraft, that could be used in many application - from passenger and VIP-transportation...
  7. uk 75

    Bundeswehr Harriers

    In the late 60s the Germans were looking for a replacement for its ground attack Fiat G 91s. As an offset against costs for BAOR and RAF Germany the UK succeeds in selling Harriers to the Bundeswehr and getting Dornier involved in its production and a joint trainer which becomes the Hawk. HS and...
  8. flateric

    US & German Harassment Drone / LOCUST / DAR Designs
  9. B

    Dornier Space Tug

    Dornier Post 1/2 - 71
  10. hesham

    Lockheed VLST Very Large Subsonic Transports aircraft

    Hi, here is some aircraft and one airship fpr the Lockheed-Martin as VLST Very Large Subsonic Transports aircraft,notice the Lockheed-Dornier one.
  11. richard

    Dornier Project Designations

    The DORNIER P 346 was a 1960 tri-motors ,three fins ,fixed tricycle undercarriage, 10-12 passengers transport . I never saw any picture of it . Who could help ? Thanks a lot Richard
  12. boxkite

    ERNO LB 21 Bumerang

    A few years ago I saw a poster(?) of the West German space shuttle (or lifting body proposal?) ERNO (= Entwicklungsring Nord) LB 21 Bumerang inside the Peenemünde museum. After this 'meeting' I never saw it again, neither in books nor in magazines. Who can help with details (illustrations...
  13. overscan (PaulMM)

    Argentine SAIA 90 fighter project

    Air International October 1983 Argentina defined requirements for a dual-role combat aircraft for the 90s. SAIA 90 (Sistema de Armas Integrado Argentino de la decada del 90), to be built in Argentina, for air/air and air/ground roles. Using (Dornier) technology acquired in IA-63 Pampa. License...
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