
  1. N

    list of weird unbuilt aircraft of the 40s

    list of pics specs info and opinions HERE?
  2. N

    Norwegian aircraft projects?

    What are the specs info pictures and history of aircraft of norway built but mostly unbuilt? POST AIRCRAFT HERE?
  3. N

    Northrop BT-1

    pics and specs of this aircraft what info on this under appreciated plane (became SBD)
  4. N

    All werd dive bomber projects?

    What would a jet powered Northrop BT-1 or other dive bomber look like (maybe like a yak 15?)< should I delete this old question? you can post specs and info and pics here? POST AIRCRAFT HERE?
  5. N

    list of USN Post war unbuilt early fighter aircraft projects 1945 to late 50s early 60s.

    im looking for pictures and specs of the aircraft and includes jets turboprops piston ect for this alternate timeline seareo.
  6. Jason Dykstra (Wyvern)

    Discussion: Reasons for the Retirement of the V-Bombers

    Before I start my ramble, I would like to ask the moderators that if they feel this is in the wrong area of the forum, that they move this to an area deemed as the right place. I intend this thread to be a discussion mostly about the technical aspects of these aircraft and sources related to the...
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