director of naval construction (royal navy)

  1. DWG

    RN 20Kt Fast Oiler, 1945 Programme

    In reading "Diary of A Wartime Naval Constructor", DNC Sir Stanley Goodall's wartime diary, I can identify most of the ships referred to, but there are repeated references to a 20Kt Fast Oiler, probably for the 1945 Programme, where I'm coming up blank. 1942 P136. 11 November: … Bateson...
  2. Lascaris

    Cost of light fleet carriers?

    Trying to figure out which countries could actually handle the cost of light fleet carriers in 1946-60, so do we have any actual data at what prices the Colossus and Majestic class ships were sold by Britain in 1946-60? And for that matter how much their modernization with angled fight decks and...
  3. sienar

    Carrier/Liner hybrid

    Does anyone know anything more about this? Description Scale 1:192. A plan showing the outboard profile and arrangement of rig of a proposed aircraft carrier/liner hybrid by Eustace H. T. D'Eyncourt [Director of Naval...
  4. Tzoli

    Royal Navy Lion Class Battleship series 1938-1945

    The Royal Navy's second 16" armed battleships history was a long and bumpy road of large number of designs and the inability on the Admiralty's side to actually start and continue it's work on them or choose a design to produce. First I present the 1938 designs: Design 14A-38 This is the first...
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