In reading "Diary of A Wartime Naval Constructor", DNC Sir Stanley Goodall's wartime diary, I can identify most of the ships referred to, but there are repeated references to a 20Kt Fast Oiler, probably for the 1945 Programme, where I'm coming up blank.
P136. 11 November: … Bateson...
british pacific fleet
directorofnavalconstruction (royalnavy)
fleet replenishment oiler
great britain
pacific ocean theater
replenishment oiler
world war ii
Trying to figure out which countries could actually handle the cost of light fleet carriers in 1946-60, so do we have any actual data at what prices the Colossus and Majestic class ships were sold by Britain in 1946-60? And for that matter how much their modernization with angled fight decks and...
aircraft carrier
armada de la república argentina
cold war
directorofnavalconstruction (royalnavy)
directorate ofnavalconstruction
early 1960s
great britain
indian navy
late 1940s
light fleet carrier
marine nationale
marinha do brasil
post-world war ii
royal australian navyroyal canadian navyroyalnavyroyal netherlands navyroyal spanish navy
united states navy
Does anyone know anything more about this?
Scale 1:192. A plan showing the outboard profile and arrangement of rig of a proposed aircraft carrier/liner hybrid by Eustace H. T. D'Eyncourt [Director of Naval...
aircraft carrier
british commonwealth
british empire
directorofnavalconstruction (royalnavy)
directorate ofnavalconstruction
great britain
interwar period
ships taken up from trade
trade division (royalnavy)
The Royal Navy's second 16" armed battleships history was a long and bumpy road of large number of designs and the inability on the Admiralty's side to actually start and continue it's work on them or choose a design to produce.
First I present the 1938 designs:
Design 14A-38
This is the first...
directorofnavalconstruction (royalnavy)
directorate ofnavalconstruction
early 1930s
early 1940s
great britain
interwar period
pre-world war ii
world war ii
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