destroyer escort

  1. A Tentative Fleet Plan

    SCB 198 Escort Research Ship

    Source: Source:
  2. uk 75

    Alt 60s US Navy

    The Royal Navy in the 1960s has been the place for many alternative history threads helped by the excellent books on the subject and the enthusiasm of Brits like me for CVA01 and co. The US Navy offers even more scope for programmes that could have been. Some thoughts to kick things off...
  3. Grey Havoc

    JMSDF Takao class Destroyer Escort

    This is an unusual project, especially in light of known JMSDF doctrine. It was apparently conceived around the mid-'90s or there abouts by the JMSDF and the old JDA as a lower cost alternative to the procurement of futher units of the Kongō class (what would eventually become the Atago class)...
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