damen schelde naval shipbuilding

  1. M

    Dutch Expeditionary Submarine Programme

    https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-03-05/france-s-naval-group-set-to-win-2-5-billion-submarine-deal Color me surprised, I thought that the Saab-Damen consortium had it in the bag. Who would've thought that KM will be the first operator of Shortfin Barracuda? That of couse is if this...
  2. R

    Dutch 20th Century designs

    A few years ago when researching the photo archive of Kon. Mij. De Schelde succeeded by Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding I traced the next dia's, probably part of a lecture although without technical details
  3. TinWing

    Schelde Combatant 12717: Stealthy Dutch Frigate?

    This image was was posted by Neptune in the Merchant Shipping thread: This proposal was also depicted in the Thales brocure for an integrated mast, which houses a Smart S Mk2 radar in a "stealthy" enclosure. Here is the link...
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