
  1. E

    Hunter Schafer Cast in ‘Blade Runner 2099’ During ‘Euphoria’ Delay

    Oh Amazon, why do you bother?
  2. Rhinocrates

    Surprisingly Realistic Predictions in SF-Literature

    Good sf doesn't just introduce new concepts, it explores the ramifications of those concepts. As HG Wells introduced tanks, DEWs, nukes, transnational organisations, and air power, he also explored what they would mean. Now, I really can't recommend : Lem enough. Under this topic, his 1964...
  3. Grey Havoc

    Greg Bear RIP Rest In Peace. :(
  4. E

    Hoverbike anyone?
  5. E

    The Metaverse is coming. Or, another attempt at Bread and Circuses for the Masses.

    If you think you're spending too much time online, Facebook et al is about to offer (maybe) compelling reasons to spend more. Fortunately, there are still 24 hours in a day, people still need to eat and sleep, and Mr. Zuckerberg and company won't be able to squeeze another dollar out of anyone...
  6. Grey Havoc


    I'm pretty sure we had a topic on this already, but it has gone MIA. A story on it from 2019 (the project was first unveiled in 2017)...
  7. Flyaway

    Cyberpunk 2077 Game

    Game removed from store. Also full refunds being offered to consumers. Fairly unprecedented for a triple A title but I am not surprised to be honest. Been looking at some of the numerous bug videos online and it’s clear it was a broken mess when launched. As an owner of an original PS4 glad I...
  8. Grey Havoc

    Reactive Stiffening Armor System

    In other words bulletproof vests utilising what is in effect ERA. o_O Might work with armored NBC suits and even infantry exoskeleton systems. But tactical vests?! I think I might have heard about...
  9. Grey Havoc

    Floating cities

    This is an idea that seems to be coming back into fashion. I have a bit of a suspicion that with the concept below, someone may have looked up the old hard engineering data from the production of Waterworld as part of their background research...
  10. Flyaway

    Elon Musk’s Neuralink
  11. Grey Havoc

    The general Cyberpunk thread

    Given the distinct trend that real world events have taken lately, I thought it was long since time for a dedicated cyberpunk thread. For both real world examples as well as the fictional (e.g. universes such as The Sprawl [Neuromancer], Shadowrun, Cyberpunk 2020, etc.). I'll start off things...
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