computer architecture

  1. Grey Havoc

    DUCES - Tactical Data in Use Security (U.S. Army)
  2. E

    New York semiconductor site picked for $825 million in funding
  3. M

    ARM cancelling ISA licenses to Qualcomm Actual nuclear bomb. Probably wouldn't actually happen, since it sounds more like a big bargaining chip, but potentially a huge turning point for the chip industry, and especially...
  4. Forest Green

    Photonic Microchips and Applications

    View: This bit is very interesting: View:
  5. Forest Green

    First Graphene Semiconductor

    Researchers have created the world's first graphene semiconductor. The joke goes that graphene can do everything but leave the lab, but in the last few years, this is no longer true. In this episode we'll see how scientists turned the best conductor known to man into a semiconductor, opening the...
  6. Grey Havoc

    Relay computers

  7. M

    Canon Nanoimprint Lithography (NIL) - possible future major player in the lithography market? I don't think NIL can enter logic chip foundary market any soon, though it seems like for flash and RAM, there's a real chance that...
  8. L

    Soviet vs US radar processors comparison

    Been trying to find out more on this subject, but there seems to be frustratingly little. I'm interested in finding out data on 1970s-1980s soviet and american radar processors to form an idea about the oft-mentioned gap between the two in this domain. i'm not a computer man so anything detailed...
  9. Grey Havoc

    Arm job cuts hit UK harder than global rationalization (The Register)
  10. Bhurki

    Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2) Palantir based JADC2
  11. Grey Havoc

    Automatic Implementation of Secure Silicon (DARPA)
  12. Grey Havoc

    Ferranti F100-L Microprocessor family
  13. Flyaway

    Quantum Computing Thread

    Article for putting this leaked news in prospective.
  14. Grey Havoc

    OGAS - a planned Soviet national computer network

    The full name was 'The All-State Automated System for the Gathering and Processing of Information for the Accounting, Planning and Governance of the National Economy, USSR' (OGAS being a Russian acronym for the first four words). It has been described as the 'Soviet Internet'. It might be more...
  15. Grey Havoc

    MONIAC and the warfare state (AIRMINDED) One of the interesting things about this is that the prototype of this 'analogue hydraulic computer' was built out of spare Lancaster parts!
  16. Grey Havoc

    The CPUs of Spacecraft

    I thought this would fit in well here:
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