
  1. Super737

    Chinese t72 chassis 152mm MBT

    i saw a video concluding all Chinese mbts and i saw thisi searchrd a bit and found this image had appeared on the internet since 2 years ago. only thing i know is that its based on a 72a chasis and i couldnt find more info. anyone knows more about this??really interested.
  2. S

    Dongfeng-1, China first domestic ballistic missile

    The first Chinese ballistic missile is short-range ballistic missile in fist made in China is Dongfeng-1, it produced in 1960, It is copycat of V-2 and SS-2 missiles. It is response from Soviet cut support and American embargo on PRC. DF-1 is first test on 5 November 1960 and now retired in...
  3. ar020

    Shenyang 'J-50' impression by Ar020

    Still a work in progress so bear with me. Renders coming this week. These are based on the limited pictures that have been released.
  4. ar020

    Chengdu J-36 Impression by Ar020

    Did a quick build of the Chengdu J-36. I didn't add much detail. I just focused on the basic layout and engine setup.
  5. Karnipex

    Chinese Jiefang CA-10 / CA-30 Trucks

    I was wondering if anyone has information regarding the Chinese, PLA, operating the CA-10 or CA-30 trucks with any sort of guns on, similar to the Americans with M45 quad mounts? I can't seem to find a single image of one of these trucks with weapon systems on, I did find on an old thread this...
  6. T

    SAST proposal for Chinese Lunar rocket (Long March 10 that could have been)

    Thanks to TheRathalos post over on Twitter that I was able to learn of this rocket This thread is about Shanghai Academy of Space Flight Technology proposal for Chinese Lunar rocket or the 921 Rocket. The winning proposal was the one from CALT, which is what become what we now know as Long...
  7. Machine_Repair

    Questions about China

    I found that there are many false reports about China in the European and American media, and I think this situation also exists in China. Add to that the circumstances in which we live, and we may never be able to understand each other. So I created this topic, so that you can ask me about your...
  8. F.L.

    New Chinese drone carrier.

    It seems that China has built a drone carrier !
  9. A

    Guangdong Changsheng China Star airliner Can't find a post for this so here it is.
  10. bunnystar211

    Pictures of aircraft in Chinese Airforce

    1944-1949 Advance Trainer Tachikawa Ki-55(九九式練習機) receive many Ki-55 after war. (ROCAF Ki-55) (communist air force Ki-55) North American T-6(too many) they are service in Chinese Air force and Chinese National Aviation Co, also after ROCAF in Taiwan. two painting of the T-6 series,Military...
  11. Y

    Large transport aircraft developed by China in the 1960s

    大家好!给大家介绍一款非常有趣的中国运输机! 1969年,中国提出了建造大型运输机的计划。不久之后,工程师参考洛克希德 C-141A 设计了 Y-9(1969)。 这是Y-9(1969)的数据: 最大飞行速度900~950公里/小时,巡航速度743公里/小时,起飞推力比0.30,最大爬升率27~32米/秒,实用升力极限11500~12500米,最大载重航程为7000至7500公里,起飞滑行距离为1 390至1500米,降落滑行距离为1270至1400米。...
  12. Y

    A transport aircraft in China

  13. F.L.

    Chinese Nanchang J-12 light fighter

    How about a thread on the J-12 ? I noticed that there was none ! It is a jet that I like and I will try to collect in this thread some interesting things about it.
  14. Hood

    Chinese Type 343M Corvette

    In 1990 Racal Marine teamed up with the China Shipbuilding Trading Company to offer a modernised Type 037 Hainan-class hull as a corvette with Racal radars (obviously!), European guns and A/S torpedoes and Chinese C-801 SSMs. There were no takers.
  15. C

    Turret Ring Diameters of Chinese Second & Third Generation Main Battle Tanks

    Does anyone have information on the turret ring diameters of Chinese second and third generation main battle tanks such as the Type 85-IIM, Type 90-II, Type 96, and Type 99? Type 85-IIM Type 90-II Type 96 Type 99
  16. T

    Would Be Logically Feasible & Worthy for Sino-Iranian Industrial Military Espionage Of NATO-EU & Aligned countries ?

    Let's say that Iran and China want to upgrade their navy, army, air force and so on. How much would be worthy and logical to steal military secrets,projects and more from NATO or NATO-friendly countries (example : Japan, Taiwan and others) to upgrade what they already have ? @Orionblamblam in...
  17. I

    Unbuilt PLA Navy projects

    Hi! Here is an unbuilt early design of Type 054 frigate. Using 3K95 Klinok short range surface to air missile.
  18. I

    Chengdu J-7 unbuilt variant

    Hi! This is J-7CP, C refers to "Chukou" (出口, export), P refers to Pakistan.
  19. I

    Early design of Chinese Phalcon with conformal antenna based on Il-76

    Hi everyone, I found a interesting design for Chinese Phalcon while browsing. As the origin post said "Even this picture represent KJ-2000, but the figure is more related with the early plan of A-50I by Israel due to the confidentiality policy."
  20. T

    Chinese aircraft carriers - Type 002 'Shandong' and Type 003 'Fujian'

    Several images have surfaced (of which this is one) from Shanghai CSSC shipyard. Images show what appears to be a large module of a possible aircraft carrier. Said shipyard was rumored to have started building China's next carrier, first Catobar one, since a few years ago.
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