
  1. ar020

    Chengdu J-36 Impression by Ar020

    Did a quick build of the Chengdu J-36. I didn't add much detail. I just focused on the basic layout and engine setup.
  2. tequilashooter

    Shenyang / Chengdu "6th Gen" Aircraft - News and Analysis

    No general chinese aviation thread for news like this so here we go?(unless mods or admin have a thread for where this news goes?)
  3. I

    Chengdu J-7 unbuilt variant

    Hi! This is J-7CP, C refers to "Chukou" (出口, export), P refers to Pakistan.
  4. overscan (PaulMM)

    Chengdu J-20 news and analysis Part III

    Part 3 of the J-20 topic starts here. Part 2 was here Interesting close-up pic posted on CDF by Deino...
  5. overscan (PaulMM)

    Chengdu J-10 "Vigorous Dragon" fighter

    According to an article in Aviation International News, Tuesday Issue Farnborough 2006, the Russian SIBNIA institute (who were intimately involved in developing the T-10M definitive version of the Su-27, the Su-33 and Su-34) have been assisting both Shenyang and Chengdu. Their involvement with...
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