british empire

  1. Gentleman’s Astronautics

    Man in space

    Hey fellas, I'm (planning) on making a video game, set in the late 1950s, where Britain, the USSR and the USA each have their own space programmes, the US having Von Brauns ferry rocket and space lift ops, and the Brits having the BIS', now formed as the British Interplanetary Commission...
  2. J

    CA-12 Boomerang Evolution

    In July 1940 the hounded British government warns the Australians of an imminent embargo of any aviation materials. On 10 December 1941 the capital ships of the Royal Navy H.M.S. Prince of Wales and H.M.S. Repulse are sunk by Japanese airplanes. On 21 December of the same month, the firm...
  3. uk 75

    Lists of Unbuilt Royal Navy and British Export Ships

    One of my continuing interests and a strength of this site is information about Royal Navy ships that never left the drawing board. Recently.not so much has been published about these designs so I thought I would start this thread. Many projects have there own threads and are well known to...
  4. Grey Havoc

    British Broadcasting Company

    A day late, but better late than never. Via Slashdot:
  5. Grey Havoc

    Morris Commercial-Roadless Half-Tracks in the British Army View: According to the Imperial War Museum, via Wikimedia Commons, the image...
  6. hesham

    British DC-3/Rapide Replacement Competition of 1953-55

    From Air Pictorial 1955, - For this contest,many companies entered in it,and essentially these proposals were involved; Avro-723,English Electric P.7,Hawker P.1098 and Percival P.87. - I suggest those projects; Armstrong AW.170,Blackburn B.105 & B.106,Bristol-187,Handley-Page Reading...
  7. LoveFromRussia

    BIS H. E. Ross and R. A. Smith Space Station

    Hello from Russia. A rare diagram of the space station of the British Interplanetary Society from the book 1959 Project Satellite. Kenneth W. Gatland This is the first futuristic scheme in Dr. Gatland's books. All information about this umbrella
  8. GTX

    Queen Elizabeth II dies aged 96
  9. Grey Havoc

    Air India: The iconic maharajah returns home (BBC)
  10. hesham

    Brabazon Type-3, possible Competitors ?

    Hi, the Brabazon Type-3 or Specification 6/45,the known tenders were; Airspeed,Armstrong-Whitworth and Avro-692 & Avro-693,but can I ask if those companies involved or not; Blackburn,Bristol ,De Havilland,Fairey,Folland,Handley Page,Miles,Percival,Scottish Aviation, Shorts,Vickers and Westland ?.
  11. Grey Havoc

    Pulau Ubin Anti-Motor Torpedo Boat Battery
  12. Oberon_706

    Could HMAS Australia have been saved from scrapping ?

    Re: Australia and the WNT - please see link below; According to the Author, the government of Australia (if it chose) could likely have won excemption and retained HMAS Australia as an “Armoured Cruiser”. As others...
  13. A

    Two Peculiar British Designs

    These projects date back to the beginning of the 20th century when many warship experiences and design concepts were developed. Neither proved to be viable. There is little information about these projects and in one case it is only possible to speculate on certain specifications. The first...
  14. V

    R102 airship

    An interesting website regarding the unbuilt British R102 airship: The R102 would have been history's biggest rigid airship, had it been built, even bigger than the Hindenburg and Graf Zeppelin II.
  15. C

    Rule Britannia.

    I love very much the delightful novel "The two Georges" in which American revolution (and French revolution) never happened,and in a 1995 in many respects very similiar to 1935, British Empire reigns over great part of the world. My question is which can be the more plausible alternate timeline...
  16. J

    Avro 707

    Pics and drawings Post-1
  17. C

    An Atomic Empire

    If I may put in a shameless self plug for a moment: I have finished a companion volume to 'A Vertical Empire' called 'An Atomic Empire'. This deals with the British atomic programme from Windscale onwards, dealing with not only Windscale but the atomic weapons programme and the nuclear power...
  18. overscan (PaulMM)

    British Experimental Combat Aircraft of WWII

    From Tony
  19. robunos

    Edgar Percival Jet designs

    I came across an article in the september 1984 edition of 'Aeroplane Monthly', about Edgar Percival, who had died earlier that year. In the article I found this :- "In 1962 he [Edgar Percival] designed the Percival Gull Jet, a 12-place jet-engined executive aircraft with a cruising speed of...
  20. Johnbr

    The real tunnel at Stalag 111 pow camp

    he classic Steve McQueen movie immortalized three tunnels at Stalag Luft III POW camp. Now, astonished archaeologists have discovered a fourth called George. It has lain hidden for nearly 70 years and looks, to the untrained eye, like a building site. But, this insignificant tunnel opening...
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