bristol aero engines

  1. L

    Bristol Engine Development (Mercury & Pegasus)

    I'm considering Kaiserreich-esque Alt Hist timeline where Canada + a bunch of British exile engineers have to build aero engines -- for speed of development, reliability, and simplicity they just develop the Bristol Mercury/Pegasus, avoid sleeve valves and stick with poppet valves, and also go...
  2. Z

    Bristol T.188 works properly....?

    What happens if the Bristol T.188 research aircraft doesn't underperform? What happens if it flies upto Mach 2.8 and reaches the thermal limit of the windscreen? We now know that it's underperformance is related to lack of interest and investment in the Gyron Junior engines after the...
  3. overscan (PaulMM)

    Various Bristol postwar projects Some interesting stuff
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