bomb sight

  1. K

    Norden Bombsight Developments and Attachments

    I've found very little information on the internet regarding the following and while I have some guesstimates and ideas as to what the systems do, I am not certain and I figure you guys would probably be able to provide a more conclusive answer. The Automatic Gyro-Leveling Device (AGLD) /...
  2. D

    TSA-D2 Bombing 'Computer'?

    Hello....... Could someone please supply more info on this system? Its the TSA-D2 by Zeiss. Its an sight/computer that was tested on an Me 262 A2, date unknown. It was to be used in place of the Lofte 7D (?). The system was comprised of 3 primary components. The sight, a 'control computer'...
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