board game

  1. T

    Boardgame & Video Gaming Thread

    I see a lot of threads about games but not a gaming thread , the idea was given by @Grey Havoc thread about ROUTINE coming back to life so I said "Hey this website doesn't seem to have a general gaming thread" so well I did ! View: Space Related...
  2. uk 75

    Boardgamegeek or every game you remember

    Back in 1973 I purchased the boardgame "NATO operational combat in the 1970s" from Jim Dunnigan's SPI (Simulation Publications) gaming company. In a world before home computing this wargame of a future war as opposed to Waterloo or DDay was something new and daring. In this month of lockdown you...
  3. uk 75

    Red Star White Star 1975 Whatif orbat

    Many years ago in the 70s I bought a boardgame called Red Star White Star about a hypothetical mid-70s war between US/West German units and Russian forces. The counters had neat silhouettes of M60s and Sheridans for the US and Leopards for the Germans. Seeing the thread on MBT 70 reminded me...
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