
  1. LoveFromRussia

    BIS H. E. Ross and R. A. Smith Space Station

    Hello from Russia. A rare diagram of the space station of the British Interplanetary Society from the book 1959 Project Satellite. Kenneth W. Gatland This is the first futuristic scheme in Dr. Gatland's books. All information about this umbrella
  2. hesham

    British Smith-Ross Manned Rocket to the Space (1946)

    Hi, here is a British manned rocket of 1946,intended to launch a man 150 miles into space,designed by R.A. Smith and H.E. Ross and considered an enlarged version of Germany V-2 Missile. FR 12/1958
  3. hesham

    The Megaroc,Man-Carrying Rocket Proposal

  4. Orionblamblam

    Looking for "Project Daedalus" book (British Interplanetary Society)

    The BIS has re-published their Daedalus report: Sadly, they don't accept Paypal, and I'm sufficiently paranoid about the security of my internet connection so as to...
  5. B

    British Manned Spacecraft

    So the first one is the Armstrong-Whitworth design but whose are the other two?
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