
  1. Tzoli

    KuK Kriegsmarine Capital Ship Projects

    This thread was long overdue, actually way long overdue. I don't know why didn't I posted these until now. So here it is, the capital ship projects of the Kaiserliche und Königliche Kriegsmarine aka the KuK Kriegsmarine or the Austro-Hungarian Navy Some designs were already posted here...
  2. that_person

    Rumsfeld's Alternative Fleet Architecture Design and the Weapon Ship/Combat Systems Ship (X-WPS)

    Hello all. Today I was doing some research into the AGS's LRLAP shells, trying to confirm a hunch I have that the original unit price was drastically lower than the stated $800,000-$1,000,000. I sort of confirmed that, as well as finding information saying the AGS was supposed to fire other...
  3. C

    Italian battleship design after Littorio?

    In UK we know Lion after KGV In USA we know Montana after Iowa In French and German we know Alsace and H class In Japan we know super Yamato and a150 series And how about Italian battleship after Littorio class?
  4. A

    Evolution of the Design Requirements of the Battleship Project 24

    Hi everyone, I have roughly translated and typeset this chart from the phenomenal book "Линейные корабли типа Советский Союз-Галея Принт (2006)" (Battleships of the Soviet Union). I am hoping to translate the full section on Pr. 24 at some point, but the (searchable!) PDF is available at this...
  5. Sanglune

    Dutch Post-WW2 Battleship

    A period ago I found in J. Anten's 'Navalisme Nekt Onderzeeboot' mention of a postwar Dutch Battlecruiser; armed with 38 cms cannons. Now that I look at it again it also mentions guided weapons which I seem to have forgotten because it didn't seem tangible. But as of yesterday evening, I came...
  6. Tzoli

    The 5.25 inch Mark IV

    From the navweaps site: My question is: Does anybody here ever found drawings or photos of this post war naval mount?
  7. Grey Havoc

    Effectiveness of WWII German surface raiders

    This is a spin-off from the 'Best Battleships of WWII' thread. The first few entries in this topic are edited posts from there.
  8. XP67_Moonbat

    Russian 16-inch Gun Battleship Projects
  9. Triton

    South Dakota Class Battleship (BB-49 through BB-54)

    Six South Dakota (BB-49) class battleships were authorized in 1918-19 to be built to an enlarged Colorado (BB-45) class design. Five ships were laid down in 1920 and the sixth in 1921. All work was suspended on 8 February 1922, when they were between 11% and 38% completed, in accordance with...
  10. Antonio

    Royal Navy Super Battleship?

    Following a link posted from Jemiba (thanks a lot for it) I found a what looks like a super british battleship but I can't identify it. Any idea? Thanks in advance
  11. Anderman

    German "L 20e" Type battleship study

    I am searching for informationen about the L20e battleship studies All what i found until today is this site Does anybody has further information? Thanks.
  12. S

    Soviet unbuilt project battleship

    article in PDF (english)
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