atomic sea mine

  1. uk 75

    Royal Navy Cold War Minelayers

    More or less unnoticed in the mid 60s the Royal Navy was able to replace the wartime very fast Minelayer "Manxman" with a new build ship. Abdiel served nearly to the end of the Cold War in1988. Unlike the famous UK mine countermeasures vessels...
  2. Grey Havoc

    Operation Cudgel

    Stickleback Class Midge XPW Minnow (X54) Stickleback (X51) Shrimp (X52) Sprat (X53) Stickleback Class 1954 - 1958 The Stickleback class submarines were midget submarines of the Royal Navy initially ordered as improved versions of the older XE class submarines. The Royal Navy may have...
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