Dad spent 1943 at Sherburn-in-Elemet photographing top secret trials of gliders for major landings such as Operation Varsity on this day March 24 1945. The secret trials were not so much about the gliders but how they handled carrying troops, panniers , field guns and even tanks (in...
airborne forces
airborne forces experimental establishment
british army
gliderglider infantry
great britain
transport glider
world war ii
Suppose that operational helicopters were delayed several years beyond the original time line.
Airborne operations are still limited to parachutes and assault gliders.
What direction would assault gliders develop?
Would they be limited to delivering small squads (say 10 men) to capture...
Check out this article at on the General Airborne Transport XCG-16, an American flying wing type combat glider with twin booms and a single rudder dating from 1944:
The article reproduces an Army Air Force preliminary evaluation report on the type, which features 21 high...
Alongside the training and cargo gliders already in service at the outbreak of World War II, an idea that received more attention with the U.S. Army Air Force was the assault glider. Major Lewin B. Barringer, a glider specialist, on the staff of AAF, presented blueprints for such a glider in the...
airborne forces
bell aircraft corporation
cargo glider
douglas aircraft company
hughes aircraft company
late 1940s
post-world war ii
united states army air forces
world war ii
During WW II the idea of the transport glider was "en vogue", so several countries
developed and built such types.
One of them was Sweden. The AB Flygindustri of Halmstad designed a glider with the
designation Fi 3 of wooden construction, intended for 11 troops plus pilot.
Much better known...
21st century
airborne forces
cargo glider
cold war
late 20th century
post-cold war
post-world war ii
transport glider
world war ii
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