artificial intelligence

  1. E

    OpenAI, Anduril partner on AI drone-defense plan

    Skynet anyone?
  2. E

    What the Heck Is Going On At OpenAI?

    I liked the mention of "Skynet scenarios."
  3. Y

    AI in Small Combat Drones

    I wonder when will the AI become omnipresent in the small (FPS-alike) combat drones allowing them to be more autonomous? Should that happen by mid-2025? Will we see then the hunter-killer drones that will be able to precisely distinguish between the friendly and foe vehicles or combatants?
  4. J

    AI parade
  5. Michel Van

    Lumen Orbit - Data Centers in Space

    The company Lumen Orbit want to put Data servers, to use the abundant solar energy, cooling, and the ability to freely scale up in space. launch of Prototype hardware is set for may 2025 launch of first micro data center in 2026 once Starship goes into commercial service they build the 5GW Data...
  6. E

    Video game performers will go on strike over artificial intelligence concerns
  7. Forest Green

    AI (Artificial Intelligence) in the military

  8. lost_treasures

    ACE F-16 AI-assisted dogfighting program

    Stumbled on a rather interesting DARPA article while browsing : ~3mn read TL;DR : Darpa has succesfully developped a pilot AI capable of flying full scale f16 in simulated dogfighting engagements and it has succesfully beat an experienced f16...
  9. U

    NATO formulates its first AI strategy The strategy has a fourfold aim: To provide a responsible foundation for its use, acceleration and mainstreaming of technology, protection and monitoring of technologies, identifying and safeguarding against malicious use. Principles of...
  10. Bhurki

    Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2) Palantir based JADC2
  11. Grey Havoc

    Chameleon Constellation
  12. Grey Havoc

    CASE - Cognitive Architecture for Space Agents Famous last words?
  13. Grey Havoc

    Experimental programme for intelligent weapons systems (China)

    Via Slashdot:
  14. bobbymike

    USAF Blue Devil Sensor Fusion Program

    From Insidedefense Newsstand; USAF Winds Down Blue Devil Program While Preparing Response To Hill Posted: Jan. 22, 2014 The Air Force's recent experiment in intelligence sensor fusion known as the Blue Devil program is in the process of winding down -- but congressional interest in the...
  15. M

    Artificial Intelligence in aviation

    Hi Guys, Back in February 1986 the Naval Air Development Center Warminster PA conducted a paper on "Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Combat Aircraft". Apart from the unmanned aerial vehicles, training simulators, fault diagnostic systems, speech recognition, robotics, the software to...
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